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Ah, fall is the air. Are you ready for brilliantly colored leaves, pumpkin flavored treats, apple cider, or, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? George Will once said, “Football combines the worst two things about America: violence punctuated by committee meetings”. What that means is that for the next five months many Americans who tune in to NFL games will be watching a lot of TV but, in actuality, very little football. Several studies including one by the Wall Street Journal have calculated that although an NFL game lasts about 3 hours and 12 minutes there are only a mere 11 minutes of actual play time that takes place. Why is that? One big culprit is the rules. The paperback version of the NFL rulebook is close to 300 pages in length and filled with rules and regulations that address almost every possible scenario that could take place during a game. And while the rules may seem excessive and overbearing, they serve to ensure the uniformity, integrity, and safety of the game and its players.
Rules impact nearly every aspect of our lives. We can’t get away from them, nor should we. There are rules for governance, conduct, mathematics, grammar, driving, even cooking and the list goes on and on. It is fair to say that without rules there would be anarchy. Rules provide a society with structure and accountability. As a builder or manufacturer, you too are subject to a unique set of rules that address every aspect of your homebuilding from development through settlement. And, if the rules aren’t followed, there can be big problems. Without proper site preparation, foundations can fail. Without proper flashing, homes will leak. Without proper placement of beams, loads won’t be supported. Without proper spacing between joists, floors will sag. And this list too goes on and on.
The good news is that if you are an RWC, HOME of Texas and/or MHWC member builder, only the best of the best are accepted into their program…builders/manufacturers that follow the rules. Your homebuyers can be assured that you have met the company's high standards of quality workmanship, financial stability, and ethical customer dealings. And, then there’s the rulebook…The Limited Warranty Agreement. Your homeowners are given a set of rules, in writing, that explains what’s acceptable, what’s not and what steps to follow. What a great way to show them your integrity and how much you care about the product you deliver. Vince Lombardi once said, “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence”.
If you’ve been a builder for more than a few years you’ve been through a lot. When the housing bubble burst; you survived. Now that the market is better and your business is growing, you’re starting to realize the rewards of surviving. There are still plenty of challenges and one of them is to find qualified subcontractors.
Recently, you started a new subdivision and hired a flat concrete contractor you’ve never worked with before, to put in the sidewalks. This morning you got a call from your new sub; the kind you never want to get. A woman was walking her dog next to your project around dusk last night. She tripped over a mason’s line that was left across a section of sidewalk that had been poured earlier that day. The new flat work guy left the site without setting up any cones, fencing or signs. In fact, he did nothing to warn the public of what is commonly referred to as a “trip & fall hazard.” The woman suffered fractures to both wrists as well as lacerations to her face when she fell. Her injuries will require surgery and she’ll be unable to work for several months. Her pain and suffering have yet to be determined.
Your new sub has his own general liability insurance that should respond to this claim. You required him to have his insurance company add you to his policy as additional insured. That way they will defend you if and when the woman’s attorney sues you as well as your sub. The certificate of insurance you required your sub to provide shows all of this. Everything should be fine. But, trip & fall claims can spiral out of control.
Disputes can arise over who should have protected the worksite. Subcontractors or, their attorneys, can argue that’s the general contractor’s job. You feel that you don’t have time to hover over every job site making sure each sub is placing the proper emphasis on safety. Besides, you hired them to do a job and that includes doing it safely. Doesn’t it? All your subs understand this, don’t they?
In most states, you as the general contractor, are ultimately responsible for worksite safety. That doesn’t mean the subs get a free pass. But it usually means the general contractor has to do more than just assume everyone is being safe. That means holding periodic safety meetings, making sure new subs understand what you expect from them before starting work each morning, during the workday and after shutting down for the night. Active worksites are dangerous places even when they are nothing more than a partially completed sidewalk in poor light where an unsuspecting woman takes her dog for a walk.
Holding regular safety meetings doesn’t have to take a lot of time or cost you much money. Meetings don’t have to be held every day; just regularly enough to make it clear to everyone concerned that you are committed to preventing accidents involving both the public and anyone else at your worksites.
The RWC Insurance Advantage is dedicated to loss prevention. To prove it, we offer up to 25% off your new general liability premium if you provide us with a copy of your written safety program. If you’re already insured with us, we’ll even offer the same incentive on your next renewal if you haven’t already received it.
Call us today at 866-454-2155 to find out if you qualify and receive a free, no obligation quote.
Readers of news articles about the housing industry have been inundated for a while with stories about Millennials and their desire to live in the city. Headlines such as “Millennials Prefer Cities to Suburbs, Subways to Driveways” and “The New American Dream Is Living in a City, Not Owning a House in the Suburbs” popped up frequently. And polling companies provided the data to back it up: The Nielsen Company, for example, reported that 62 percent of young people “like having the world at their fingertips,” preferring to live in “dense, diverse urban villages where social interaction is just outside their front doors.”
But around the middle of 2015, the stories about Millennials started to shift. We began to see more stories like, “Think Millennials Prefer the City? Think Again …” And now, a survey from the National Association of Realtors says that Millennials are finally starting to buy homes. And where are they buying them? That's right, in the ’burbs.
Why all of a sudden the change? Perhaps Millennials are now ready to settle down and start families and prices are cheaper in the suburbs. Or because they want to raise their kids in places that remind them of their own childhood. Whatever the reasons, the numbers show that buyers under the age of 35 now make up the largest share of homebuyers (35 percent) and that 51 percent of them bought homes in the suburbs or in subdivisions.
It stands to reason that these buyers, whose median age is 30, are the leading edge of their generation. As the rest of this generation, 80 million strong, reach their 30s, they will likely follow the same path—research from the Demand Institute says 75 percent of Millennials consider homeownership an important long-term goal and 48 percent say they plan to buy within the next five years. The question is, are you building homes they will want to buy?
So what exactly does this young group want? Turns out they want pretty much the same things almost everyone else wants: a nice neighborhood; good schools; access to public transportation; & convenient outdoor space to walk and exercise. Another requirement is close proximity to social activities such as shops, cafés, and restaurants. As for the house itself, they are looking for an open plan, ample storage, energy efficiency, low-maintenance living, space for easy entertaining, and of course good cell reception. But the single most important thing Millennials are looking for is living within their means in a home they can comfortably afford.
Unfortunately, the problem is, there just aren’t enough new homes being built that Millennials can afford. Because of land and labor costs, zoning and other regulations, most builders are targeting a smaller, more affluent group of buyers. A lot of new homes are large and include more expensive features and amenities. Something that a young, first time home buyer, will probably pass right by because it is out of their price range. A recent study by real estate advisors RCLCO revealed that when first-time buyers considered new and existing homes in their searches, only 18 percent of them bought a new home.
There are some success stories out there, though. RCLCO reports that a concerted effort by some master planned communities to offer a range of product types, such as townhomes, cottage court bungalows, and small single-family homes—in addition to conventional single-family homes — “can still achieve premiums on a dollars-per-square-foot basis.” The company cites the Daybreak master plan near Salt Lake City as a good example of a project that successfully integrates midscale, mid-priced product within a larger community.
Companies that are building more affordable homes and marketing them to Millennials are already starting to reap the rewards. It’s time for more builders to start thinking about creating a product that is attainable for the largest faction of buyers we may ever see.
When a manufacturer or builder provides a warranty on a home, what exactly does that mean to your buyer and to you? It means protection, security, peace of mind and value. And a warranty from MHWC will provide just that. One of the least expensive, longest lasting products a manufacturer / builder can purchase for the homes they build is a MHWC warranty.
So why exactly is MHWC your best choice?
OPTIONS: MHWC’s “Menu of Choices” allows you the ability to offer the best Warranty program for your business. From our FHA/VA/USDA accepted Standard 10 Year Warranty to our Structural Only Warranty to our Manufacturers’ Warranties and more, we have what your business needs.
FLEXIBILITY: MHWC’s members are able to pick and choose which Warranty options to use and which projects they wish to enroll. We do not require 100% enrollment on detached homes.
MARKETING FEATURES: MHWC provides its members with FREE attractive marketing materials to help promote your business and set yourself apart from your competition.
EXPERIENCE: MHWC has been in business since 1989 and together with our Affiliate Residential Warranty Company, LLC, has warranted over 3 million homes to date. The average tenure of our employees is 18 years.
STRENGTH: MHWC’s insurer, Western Pacific Mutual Insurance Company (WPMIC), A Risk Retention Group, is A.M. Best rated “A- (Excellent)”. WPMIC insures only our thoroughly screened members and no other catastrophic risks such as planes, trains or automobiles, which can affect an insurer’s strength and equity. Less risk equals more strength.
CREDIBILITY: MHWC’s membership criteria presents us with the strongest builder and manufacturer members. This screening process reinforces your credibility as an MHWC member.
PROTECTION: MHWC offers FREE mediation. When needed, binding arbitration is available. Both offer effective resolution for Warranty disputes. This reduces your risk of litigation and legal fees.
ADVOCACY: MHWC provides support to the Home Building Industry through our involvement and financial contributions as a member of local, state and national Home Builder Associations across the United States.
Our mission is to provide a level of security to homeowners and manufacturers and builders alike. We can help you in maintaining or improving your customer service, define and limit your liability, and provide the warranty and insurance products your company needs. For more information, don’t hesitate to call 800-247-1812 x2149 or email
MHWC and national affiliates Residential Warranty Company, LLC (RWC) and HOME of Texas will be attending the 2017 International Builders Show (IBS) in Orlando, Florida January 10-12, 2017. Be sure to stop by booth #W5571 to learn how new home warranties are an essential ingredient for your business. Providing a new home warranty is a great way to enhance the value of your homes, strengthen your reputation and get a competitive edge in the marketplace.
As you know, it’s not strictly business at IBS. Before you head off to the House Party or the Spike Concert, have some fun with MHWC and try your luck at our Wheel-O-Warranty prize wheel! Not only will you walk away with one of many great prizes, but you will also be entered into our grand prize drawing for a $1000 Visa gift card. Celebrate a brand new year with the innovative leader in new home warranties, MHWC!
With the building industry experiencing a continuing resurgence recovering from the “Great Recession”, MHWC, RWC, & HOME of Texas are immersed in their own growth pattern as well. The financial strength of the insurers for the programs continues to grow. Most notably, Western Pacific Mutual Insurance Company’s (WPMIC) current surplus equity exceeds $111 million – equity that is earmarked solely for warranty issues of our members! That’s strength that is unsurpassed in our industry.
Personnel Changes:
Kicking off our growth pattern at the start of the year was the decision to expand our Sales Department by adding 5 Account Executives across the country and redefining roles for two others.
• Lori Lewis, actually a former Account Executive who returned to the fold in January, is handling new sales and current members’ customer service in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio.
• Marnie Harrington joined the team in Texas in March and handles the greater Houston area as well as most of eastern Texas.
• July was a big month with two new reps coming on board. Covering multiple states for RWC is Pat Basom who will be working out of the Harrisburg Corporate office.
• Mark Smiley, another Texan, took over the reins in Central, Southern and Western Texas from his home base near the San Antonio area.
• Rob Barber, our newest rookie will be tackling the greater Southwest region of Arizona, Central & Southern California, Nevada and Utah.
• John Felbaum, our long-term Account Executive in the Western states will be re-focusing his efforts in the Northwest including Northern California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
• To better assist our Members with their renewal procedures, Agnes Brennan was promoted to Retention Liaison and she stands ready to help you with any customer services issues regarding your membership status.
Membership Drive:
To get the enthusiasm amped up, the company rolled out a membership drive/contest for the Sales Department which centered on a Superhero theme. Competing against one another as different superheroes, battling “villains” to win various challenges, kept the motivation at an all-time high. Twelve weeks of hard work resulted in 288 new Members projecting in excess of 3150 homes to be enrolled. That enthusiasm propelled the companies through the summer and into the fall on a decidedly upward trajectory.
What we want each of you to know is that MHWC, RWC, & HOME are working hard for you, to bring value to you in the form of excellent customer service, efficient complaint handling, simplified enrollment procedures and enhanced marketing appeal. If there’s something we can do for you to help you utilize the programs better, we are only a phone call away!
When you provide an MHWC manufactured home warranty, how does that benefit you and your buyers? To a prospective homebuyer, it’s important both financially and emotionally to get value for the dollars spent. It means security and protection. Together with Residential Warranty Company, LLC, our national new home warranty affiliate, MHWC & RWC have warranted over 3 million homes spanning 35 years. The warranty group’s longevity, experience and knowledge passes on to our builder warranty members and ultimately to their customers.
MHWC provides an excellent value for the dollars spent on a warranty program. One of the least expensive, longest lasting products a builder can purchase for the homes they sell is the MHWC warranty. MHWC benefits & advantages include:
• A written warranty insured by a third-party company rated “A- (Excellent)” A. M. Best. Ratings are based on the company’s sound capitalization, positive cash flow, historically favorable operating performance, and conservative reserve levels.
• The power to put the warranty to work for you as a marketing feature when you promote and show your homes.
• MHWC warranties are automatically transferable to subsequent buyers for the duration of the warranty term. Should your homeowners decide to sell their home, the warranty is an excellent resale tool for them as well.
• Issues between homeowners and builders can happen. An effective resolution process is included with every MHWC warranty which includes FREE mediation. If necessary, binding arbitration is available in the event of a dispute that is harder to resolve.
• Over 95% of the warranty resolution disputes administered by MHWC & RWC are resolved without the need for arbitration!
• MHWC warranty books provide specific, written industry standards. If a warranted defect is discovered in a home you warranted through MHWC, your homeowners can have assurance it will be remedied.
• MHWC builder warranties are FHA, VA, & USDA approved.
• A builder or manufacturer utilizing MHWC benefits form limited exposure to you and your company.
• Warranty members benefit from access to 35 Years of industry experience.
• Excellent customer service from MHWC’s staff.
Protection, strength, longevity, third party insurance backing, experience, – all perfect descriptions of the MHWC warranty program. If you are asking yourself which warranty company to choose, the answer is found in the solid assurance and numerous advantages MHWC offers to builders, manufacturers and their homebuyers.
MHWC … Unmatched Home Warranty Protection… Unwavering Value!
MHWC – an innovator in the HUD-Code new home warranty industry and the nation’s leading HUD-Code new home warranty provider – is happy to announce that it’s joining forces with affiliates to launch a special membership drive.
For a limited time only, MHWC, Residential Warranty Company, LLC and HOME of Texas are waiving the $295 registration fee for all NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICANTS.
Simply visit MHWC’s online membership application, which from April 1st through June 30, 2016, comes with no registration fee! Homeowner references, supplier references, and inspector references are never required, making it easier than ever to become a member in MHWC’s home warranty programs!
If you haven’t considered membership in MHWC or one of its affiliates recently, maybe it’s time to give MHWC's home warranty plans another look!
Benefits of MHWC Membership:
• In business since 1987
• Over 3 Million Homes Warranted with RWC and HOME
• Written Insured Warranties
• Competitive Rates
• Excellent home warranty ratings (Insurer Rated “A- (Excellent)” by A.M. Best)
• FHA/VA Approved Plans Available
• 10 Year Warranty Programs for both HUD-Code Manufacturers as well as HUD-Code Builder/Dealers
• Exclusive Incentive Program
• FREE Marketing Materials
• Effective Warranty Resolution Process
- FREE Mediation
- Binding Arbitration Available (if needed)
To revel in the benefits of RWC membership, Join Today!
It’s competitive out there and customers are looking for the best value in the HUD-Code manufactured homes they buy. Increase your value by adding a MHWC written, insured new home warranty to every HUD-Code home you build. You benefit from an enhanced reputation, an excellent marketing tool and the best warranty program on the market.
You know a warranty is paramount, but how do you decide which one is the right fit for your business? MHWC is happy to help. Together with its national affiliate Residential Warranty Company, LLC (RWC), MHWC has put together a wide array of warranty programs and services, including warranties for new HUD-Code homes, additions, remodeling projects, building systems and detached garages.
Historically, the standard ten year warranty is what the industry has provided and is the coverage Builders have become accustomed to over the years. With MHWC, Builder/Dealers and Manufacturers may choose between “full” coverage and “structural only” coverage. In either option, your liability as the Member is limited.
“Structural Only Coverage” means that coverage is provided for the structural or load-bearing components of the home for the entire warranty term.
• You continue to use your own customer service program to address workmanship, materials & mechanical systems issues in the first year.
• You’ll pay less to enroll a home in a structural only plan.
• You’ll have access to MHWC’s effective dispute resolution system for structural issues, which includes free mediation. Binding arbitration is also available if needed.
• Non-structural customer service issues must be resolved by your own customer service program.
“Full Coverage” means that we couple Structural Coverage together with industry-accepted standards for first year items (workmanship, materials, and selected portions of mechanical systems).
• By far, “full” coverage warranties are our most widely used programs.
• Clearly written set of warranty standards to spell out coverage are provided for you and your homebuyers.
• Includes 1 year of coverage on workmanship & materials and on selected portions of mechanical systems.
• Includes coverage on major structural components for the entire warranty term.
• You’ll have access to MHWC’s effective dispute resolution system, even on first year customer service issues, which can be a valuable tool in managing your service needs. This dispute resolution system includes free mediation. Binding arbitration is available if needed.
We are more than happy to answer questions and help you review your program choices that best fits your business. Contact Tifanee McCall at 800-247-1812 x2132 or for more information.
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